Inny wanted to start a youtube channel.

Innocence has been watching some kids play with toys videos on Youtube almost non-stop before I took her laptop away because that’s all she did. But I did allow her to start her own channel with my help editing and running the camera. So far its a lot of fun, she seems to enjoy assembling toys and making videos. Next up I need to start teaching her how to edit videos.

Her channel is available here: Inny’s Magical Castle. Her first video is posted below:


This is running in a container

Kuberenetes on Google Cloud specifically. Just thought I’d see how it looks and works. Now I’ve moved my production blog over from my self-hosted linode. Running WordPress in a container with a separate MySQL container is working well!

Some features I really like over my roll-it-yourself approach:

  1. Upgrades are now seamless, no more update notifications, the docker container is setup to allow auto-updating.
  2. Plugins don’t need to be installed manually, they just install.
  3. Same with themes!
  4. Themes are easily customizable, no more mucking with permissions.
  5. It seems faster, but that may be because its running on a separate server from MySQL.