Goo-Inside.Me is a horrible name

It sounds bad but for those in the android modding/hacking community it is a great way to distribute roms to users. I’ve been using it lately to download and try out Cyanogenmod 9 for my Galaxy Nexus from Verizon and to keep my Nook Color tablet up to date and functioning well. I was trying to update my phone and tablet today and noticed that the downloads were not working and tried on my PC and it would not come up! So I had some lunch and tried again and it was all back up. I decided that since I use this service a bit I’d donate to them.  They have two donations spots so I went to two of them. $10 to become a “sponser” and $15 to donate to the new server costs. Hopefully they’ll leave those links up so I can donate from time to time to this great service. I know its not much but I hope it helps! Thanks Guys!

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