Done with 1 week of P90x3

I’ve been pretty good this past week with P90x3, I skipped only one day and am looking to make it up tomorrow (agility x+yoga). But I’ve done 8 days so far and its going well. I’ve already noticed some gains with pushups, pull ups, and energy so far and it feels really great to exercise daily. I’ll keep you updated. Down to 217.3 lbs this week.

For reference, I was at 232lbs a couple of years ago and with diet alone got down to 180lbs over the period of 6 months (thank you keto). But I’ve ballooned back up to 217.3 because of not paying attention to diet and not exercising a whole lot. I’m going to try and do 90 days of p90x3 and keep keto as much as possible. And walking 3-4 days a week at least 3 miles with Jack. Let’s see how it goes!